Practical Protection Podcast: Mental health during lockdown

Hi everyone, I really hope you found the last episode on Covid useful and it gave you an insight into how the pandemic has impacted on the industry, specifically from an underwriting perspective.

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Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
10th February 2021
Kathryn Knowles Cura
"Mental health is something that is affecting many people, including both children and adults."

I’m pleased to welcome back Matt Rann, not just as a special guest but as a new co-host to the podcast and we are focusing on mental health. With everything that we have all experienced over the last year due to the global pandemic, restrictions to our everyday lives and activities, lockdowns and school closures, mental health is something that is affecting many people, including both children and adults.

We discuss how mental health is underwritten for things like life insurance, how the insurance sector is currently responding to mental health and our thoughts on how insurance offerings could be improved.

Listen to the episode here:

Disclaimer: In this episode we are going to be talking about mental health conditions and in particular suicidal thoughts and attempts. Please be aware that some people may find some of the content upsetting.

Next time, Roy McLoughlin will be back hosting with me and we will be chatting to Andrew Montlake about how mortgages and protection mix.

Once you have listened to the episode don’t forget to claim your CPD certificate at

You may find that your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Please don’t worry if that is the case. Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate directly to you.

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