"Networks want to know how to help their brokers. Trade bodies are expressing concern at the protection gap. Thought leaders from across the industry are joining the debate."
Now is the time to protect your clients. And as each year draws to an end I talk to the intermediary sector about their plans for the next 12 months and try to encourage them to make this the year they bring GI into their offering and realise its potential. It’s a message I’m well versed with. But this year feels different. Because this year it seems that things have finally reached a head.
In 2016 GI because a huge topic of discussion. Far from just being leaders in the protection sector talking about the need for brokers to offer these products, the wider industry began joining in. Networks want to know how to help their brokers. Trade bodies are expressing concern at the protection gap. Thought leaders from across the industry are joining the debate.
And rightly so. The regulator will be watching this closely. Risk aversion and protecting the needs of clients are bigger issues than ever before. The FCA is introducing new rules and new stress tests to ensure borrowers can cope yet brokers are standing idly by while these same borrowers are leaving themselves wide open to financial problems by having no insurance in place, or using inferior products.
We’ve see the topic brought up at roadshows and expos across the UK and it’s clear this is not something that is going to fall by the wayside this time. It is essential that you address your protection offering now because I am sure there will be consequences in 2017 one way or another.