"With Aux Group, we can bring new mortgage advisers into the market and financially support those already trading"
Majority-owned by The Property Franchise Group, Aux Group says it will train firms in mortgages and protection from day one and embed protection firmly into the sales process.
Aux Group will benefit from the leads generated by The Property Franchise Group and will service the lettings and estate agency franchisees’ customer needs where appropriate.
Mark Graves has been appointed as director of Aux Group and will be overseeing the relationship with The Property Franchise Group.
Graves says Aux Group’s acquisition of Auxilium Partnership is a "fundamental part" of his vision, with Auxilium Partnership becoming the service provider for Aux Group’s firms to increase the protection footprint.
Auxilium Partnership launched in March 2019 and provides a business-to-business distribution service, offering a suite of protection products to its partners and a tailored sales and support service to intermediaries.
Mark Graves commented: “This is an incredibly exciting new venture which will capitalise on both Auxilium Partnership’s expertise in the protection market and TPFG’s enormously successful franchise experience.
“I continue to believe that the UK protection market hasn’t met its full potential and there is considerable opportunity ahead. With Aux Group, we can bring new mortgage advisers into the market and financially support those already trading, and at the same time leverage Auxilium Partnership’s proactive development of protection sales proficiency.
“Too often protection is an afterthought, so the creation of Aux Group presents the opportunity to turn the sales process on its head, investing in driving a good customer outcome every time,” explains Graves.
Ian Wilson, CEO of The Property Franchise Group, added: “Mark’s industry credentials are top drawer, and he has both the contacts and commercial acumen to help Aux Group identify the winners and drive growth. We are very pleased to have established this mutually beneficial relationship with Mark and are looking forward to working together.”