"This partnership is further evidence of the importance we place on creating an inclusive workplace where neurodivergent talent is able to thrive."
- Suzanne Scott, Chief People & Corporate Responsibility Officer at AXA UK
To further reinforce AXA UK’s commitment to becoming an inclusive workplace, the insurer has opted to join GAIN (Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment & Neurodiversity) as a corporate member. This community aims to spark industry-wide debate on improving the employment prospects of neurodivergent individuals in Financial Services.
AXA UK will work alongside other GAIN members to better understand how its policies and procedures can accommodate neurodivergent employees.
GAIN will also provide AXA UK with access to industry specific advice from qualified partners to help develop the insurer’s best practice and neuro-inclusive procedures. This guidance will help to further build AXA UK’s Employee Network ‘Able’, which focuses on disability, long-term conditions, neurodiversity, and mental health.
“This partnership is further evidence of the importance we place on creating an inclusive workplace where neurodivergent talent is able to thrive,” said Suzanne Scott, Chief People & Corporate Responsibility Officer at AXA UK, “working with GAIN, we’ll contribute to creating a more diverse insurance sector that better reflects its customer base and attracts the very best talent to work in it.”
Barbara Schonhofer MBE, Co-Chair of GAIN, said AXA UK’s membership adds “weight to the insurance-wide determination to unlock potential talent by a radical improvement to career opportunities for neurodivergent individuals in our industry.”