"When it comes to protection insurance, most insurers tend to be ok with a person's alcohol consumption up to the point of 30 units per week, after that it could be a case of more questions being asked."
For this episode Matt Rann joins me, and it’s all about alcohol and how it can potentially affect the terms offered when it comes to protection insurance, with a focus upon the questions you may be asked when applying.
I didn’t drink for about 8 years, with having my kids and breastfeeding, and I actually quite enjoyed it, but I did miss having a gin every now and then. One thing we address is making assumptions if a person only drinks on occasions. Some people may choose to not drink alcohol, like I did for a number of years, but we certainly shouldn’t assume that they don’t drink because they have been advised to reduce their alcohol consumption.
When it comes to protection insurance, most insurers tend to be ok with a person's alcohol consumption up to the point of 30 units per week, after that it could be a case of more questions being asked. Insurers will want to ensure this hasn’t had a big impact on a person's overall health.
During this episode, we talk through a case study of arranging protection insurance for a person who had previously been hospitalised for alcohol dependency.
You can listen to the episode at https://practical-protection.co.uk/alcohol/.
Next time Roy McLoughlin is back with me, and we will be joined by Peter Hamilton to talk about his work in improving access to insurance.
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