GI product aimed at protecting mortgagors against rate rises launches

Mortgage Rate Cover has announced the launch of its innovative general insurance product, underwritten by Focus Insurance Company Limited.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
31st January 2014
GI product aimed at protecting mortgagors against rate rises launches

The product is designed to protect borrowers against increased mortgage repayments aligned to a rise in the Bank of England Base Rate (BoEBR) or 3 month Sterling LIBOR (for Libor based mortgages).

Following an increase in interest rates, Mortgage Rate Cover policyholders receive payment of the difference between their existing mortgage payment and their increased payment amount, based upon the chosen policy excess, therefore protecting them from potentially unaffordable increases that they may face. 

With reports that the economic recovery is occurring faster than initially expected, coupled with guidance from a senior member of the BoE’s Financial Policy Committee to MPs that now is a good time to opt for a fixed rate, it is anticipated that an increase in interest rates will take place before the end of this year. 

The Bank of England PRA MLAR release for Q3 2013 reported that only 35% of all UK mortgages are on a fixed rate. Therefore, 65%; an estimated 7 million borrowers are at risk of increased mortgage repayments when this rise occurs. Mortgage Rate Cover is designed to protect these borrowers by fixing or capping the payment borrowers make towards their mortgage repayments.  

Brokers are being invited to register as a distributor of this unique product, enabling them to protect their clients against interest rate rises, whilst also offering an alternative to a remortgage for those on base rate trackers, self-certified mortgages or those regarded as ‘mortgage prisoners’. Mortgage Rate Cover not only assists brokers in providing a solution, but also offers attractive commissions. 

Andy Shaw, Director at Mortgage Rate Cover commented:

“With interest rates likely to increase in the foreseeable future, and Moneyfacts reporting that mortgage arrangement fees have reached a 25 year high of £1,522 , Mortgage Rate Cover is a valuable tool for brokers to offer. This insurance is unique in the market, can be applied to residential mortgages, buy to let portfolios and commercial loans, regardless of loan to value, loan to income, mortgage type or interest rate.
Mortgage Rate Cover is easy to arrange. The 24 or 36 month policy is purchased online in minutes with payment made in full or in 10 monthly instalments. There are no credit checks or changes to be made to a customer’s existing mortgage, therefore making the policy quick, easy and totally unique”. 

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