Investec launches Solvency II reporting solution

Investec Wealth & Investment has launched a fully-automated Solvency II reporting solution for financial mutual and insurance companies.

Related topics:  Finance News
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
10th January 2017
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"Our reporting solution has been designed specifically to address the complexities faced by financial mutuals in complying with the myriad requirements of Solvency II"

IW&I developed the reporting solution in direct response to market demand for cost-effective tools to meet the additional reporting, risk and governance challenges set by Solvency II. The reporting solution was designed in partnership with input from existing clients and industry actuaries.

The Solvency II regulatory regime came into force in the EU in January 2016 and is designed to achieve a consistent basis for the measurement of capital in insurers across Europe.

IW&I says the regulations have created significant challenges for financial mutuals and insurance companies as it affects their risk and governance, and the frequency and amount of information they are required to report to regulators.

James Bedingfield, Senior Investment Director at Investec Wealth & Investment, said: “Our reporting solution has been designed specifically to address the complexities faced by financial mutuals in complying with the myriad requirements of Solvency II, which was primarily designed for much larger insurance firms.  

“Given the fact that we already worked with a number of leading financial mutuals for over 20 years, we have an intimate understanding of how to apply Solvency II regulations to their reporting requirements. We look forward to further expanding our relationships in this sector.”

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