"We must support parents to help relieve some of the stress they’re facing."
- Rich Horner, head of individual protection at MetLife UK
Of those surveyed (2,502), almost a third (32%) admitted that they were mentally and physically exhausted, while 20% said that worrying has made them depressed and 18% confirmed that it had caused arguments within the household.
Amongst the biggest parental worries were their child(ren)’s mental health (89%), closely followed by the fear that they won’t be able to get a doctor’s appointment or help should they need it (87%). General health (95%) was a major concern amongst parents, particularly the older their child got. Meanwhile, 30% of parents were concerned that their child wouldn’t tell them about health concerns, and 25% worried that their child(ren) wouldn’t take their health and wellbeing seriously as they get older.
However, despite these concerns and the strain of worry on the family, one in ten (9%) admitted that they don’t or wouldn’t turn to anyone for support. When parents did turn to support, 45% turned to their spouse, followed by their parents (34%), their friends (27%), their doctor (12%), their siblings (11%), online support/forums (7%), other family members (7%), their children (6%), and the parents of their child(ren)’s friends (6%).
Responding to these concerns, MetLife UK recently launched ChildShield, a standalone product that supports families if their child(ren) were to have an accident or become seriously ill.
READ MORE: MetLife UK announce launch of ChildShield
Commenting on these findings, Rich Horner, head of individual protection at MetLife UK, has said:
“It’s only natural that as a parent we worry about our children – from health issues to potential accidents, to how they’re getting on at school and university. But worrying can have lasting effects on families, so where we can, we must support parents to help relieve some of the stress they’re facing.”