Michael Payne appointed commercial director at The Exeter

The Exeter has today announced the appointment of Michael Payne as commercial director, subject to regulatory approval.

Related topics:  The Exeter,  New Hire
Tabitha Lambie | Editor, Protection Reporter
3rd October 2023
New Hire yellow 2
"I am looking forward to working with The Exeter teams to deliver our long-term growth aspirations for the benefit of our members and advisers."
- Michael Payne, incoming commercial director at The Exeter

Prior to this appointment, Michael Payne served as a senior adviser at KPMG UK. Michael has also worked at M&G plc as its customer and innovation chief operating officer, customer and distribution chief operating officer and customer and distribution chief financial officer as well as a non-executive director at Prudential International Assurance and actuarial director at Scottish Friendly. Overall, Michael has over thirty years of experience in the insurance, asset management and wealth management industries.

In his new role, Michael will join The Exeter’s main and executive boards to help deliver the mutual’s future growth strategy.

Commenting on this appointment, Isobel Langton, CEO of The Exeter, has said:

“I am pleased to welcome Michael to The Exeter at what is an exciting time for our business. His wealth of knowledge and experience make him a valuable addition to both The Exeter’s Board and our wider leadership team.

What’s more, Michael’s customer focus and passion for the mutual sector align perfectly with our values, and he will play a key role in helping us to deliver our future growth strategy.”

Michael Payne, incoming commercial director at The Exeter, added:

“Looking back on my career some of my most enjoyable and rewarding experiences have been whilst working in the mutual sector, particularly my time at Scottish Friendly.

“I’m therefore excited to be joining The Exeter at a time of market-leading transformation, and I am looking forward to working with Isobel and The Exeter teams to deliver our long-term growth aspirations for the benefit of our members and advisers.”

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