"Quite often, the options available will not be affected too much by endometriosis but there are some key questions you need to ask."
Hopefully this has reiterated the need to discuss protection insurance whilst beginning to arrange mortgages for your clients, as well as highlighting the benefits of utilising the services of a specialist adviser if protection isn’t your thing.
Matt Rann hosted alongside me in the latest episode, in which we focus on protection insurance underwriting, specifically upon endometriosis. 1 in 10 women in the UK have endometriosis, making it much more common than expected. As this month is Endometriosis Awareness Month and half of an adviser’s client base are usually women, we believe this is definitely a worthwhile discussion to be having on the podcast.
Quite often, the options available will not be affected too much by endometriosis but there are some key questions you need to ask. There are occasionally some long-term health implications of endometriosis, which is why it is crucial to approach parts of your Fact Find process in a sensitive manner.
A case study of arranging life insurance to protect a mortgage, for someone living with endometriosis will be shared during this episode.
If you are an employer, I have also given a few pointers at the end of the episode on what can be done to support colleagues who have endometriosis.
You can listen to the episode at https://practical-protection.co.uk/endometriosis/.
Roy Mcloughlin will be doing his first solo outing as host for the next episode of the Practical Protection Podcast. Roy will be joined by Lee Robertson from Octo Members, and together they will be discussing how protection insurance is an essential part of planning a client’s financial future.
Don’t forget to claim your CPD certificate here once you have listened to the episode: https://practical-protection.co.uk/claim-your-cpd/.
Please don’t worry if your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate to you directly.