Practical Protection Podcast: Skin cancer

We are back with an episode focusing on skin cancer. Matt had previously mentioned to me a while ago that he would like to do an episode on skin cancer, and I agreed that it would be a good area to cover in relation to accessing protection insurance, insurance applications and agreed terms.

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Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
27th August 2021
Kathryn Knowles Cura
"I feel there is sometimes a misconception that skin cancer is seen as a ‘lesser’ cancer and that it will not affect insurance applications as much as something like breast cancer"

Whilst recording this episode I soon understood why this was a subject matter close to Matt’s heart and why he was keen to highlight it on the podcast. Matt’s brother had died from skin cancer. His personal story of how skin cancer has affected his family, certainly demonstrates the importance of protecting our skin. Even in the UK when it is cloudy, skin cancer can do significant harm to the body, even if it just looks like a small lump or blemish on the outside.

For me, I feel there is sometimes a misconception that skin cancer is seen as a ‘lesser’ cancer and that it will not affect insurance applications as much as something like breast cancer, but it may surprise people to know that skin cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the UK. The amount of people diagnosed with skin cancer has increased, more than any other cancer, in the last decade. I go on to share a case study of a client with atypical mole syndrome, who needed life insurance to cover his mortgage.

Listen to the episode here:

Roy McLoughlin is back with me next time and I am quite excited as we should be having an in person meet up beforehand. If the weather is kind to us on the North Yorkshire coast this bank holiday weekend, we’ll be sure to have the suntan lotion to hand! Make sure you do too, your skin will thank you for it.

If you would like to learn more about how to arrange protection insurance, take a look at my new Protection Insurance in Practice course here.

If you’re listening to this as part of your work, you can claim a CPD certificate. These are now accredited by CPD UK, through our sponsor Octo Members. Once you have listened to the episode, don’t forget to claim your certificate here:

You may find that your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Please don’t worry if that is the case. Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate directly to you.

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