"As brokers these are the opportunities you can identify if you see the bigger picture when dealing with your clients."
Yet despite the fact these students are heading away from home with thousands of pounds worth of goods, far too many are not protecting themselves.
According to a study by by Co-op Insurance more than two fifths of students don’t have home contents insurance. The study found that 44% of students from the South East don’t have home contents insurance and a sixth (15%) weren’t sure whether they had it or not.
Highlighting just how worrying and risky this is, almost a third (32%) of students said their contents are worth between £1,000 and £2,499 and a quarter (24%) calculated they had £2,500 or more.
Now, it’s perhaps not very surprising that insurance isn’t top of the list of priorities for 18 year olds heading off to live on their own for the first time in their lives but it should be for their parents. As brokers these are the opportunities you can identify if you see the bigger picture when dealing with your clients.
Find out more about your client - their family, their business - and you’ll identify opportunities for sales that you didn’t know existed. No parent would want their child to be putting themselves at risk, make sure you’re discussing such products with them.