Protection specialist to lend £50m with free income protection

In response to calls for those within the financial services sector to take a more ethical approach to loans, protection specialist Simon Burgess is planning to release £50m of his own funds to provide loans with free income protection.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
27th May 2014
Protection specialist to lend £50m with free income protection

The money will be made available online via British Loans Limited - a wholly-owned subsidiary of his existing income protection firm, British Money Limited.  Borrowers will be offered a competitive APR and the cost of the additional Defaqto-rated five star cover will be absorbed by Burgess out of his profit margins.

He comments:

“I’m currently sorting out the access to funding issues and developing the website, but when complete, this will be a huge leap forward in addressing calls for greater financial inclusion in an ethical manner, whilst giving borrowers peace of mind their loan is automatically covered.  I urge other lenders to follow suit.”

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