72% expect increase in IP sales

72% of advisers believe there will be an increase in protection sales this year, 26% expect current levels would be maintained, and only 2% say sales will decrease.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
12th June 2015
insurance & protection umbrellas

The research, conducted by Direct Life, surveyed 300 advisers across the UK who have used an online portal.

Respondents were also asked to identify the things they most valued about their chosen protection platform. 63% said multi-benefit quote capability, 59% speed of quote research, 43% admin support, 42% hand-off of client to telephone underwriting service; 40% case tracking and 32% Decision in Principle tool.

Neil McCarthy, sales and marketing director of Direct Life, said:

“We have seen a fairly significant increase in the volume of protection business being transacted on LifeQuote and were keen to see if this was representative of a broader increase in protection sales. Our view is that, while there have been some major changes within the financial services industry over the last twelve months, the research suggests that advisers are looking for improved services to help simplify their engagement with their clients and insurers to help increase protection sales.”

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