Connect Mortgage Club, part of the Connect Group, is offering its ARs access to an advanced insurance quotation and application system from The Source.
Bright Grey and Scottish Provident, the protection businesses of the Royal London Group, today announced a 23 per cent increase in new business for the 12 months to 31 December 2012,...
An ongoing Public Liability claim received by Total Landlord Insurance, which could reach in excess of £1million, presents a stark reminder to landlords of the need for adequate...
Ageas has increased the commission it pays to financial intermediaries when clients buy income protection policies, to match the level paid on its other products.
Openwork, one of the UK’s largest mortgage and financial advisory networks, has announced today it has signed a long term contractual agreement with Paymentshield for general...
Connect Mortgage Club, part of the Connect Group, is offering its ARs access to an advanced insurance quotation and application system from The Source.
Bought By Many, a new company aiming to bring people power to insurance, has signed a deal with Legal & General, making them the first major UK insurer to offer a discount to consumers...