Exeter Family Friendly pays 92% of claims in 2013

Income protection insurer Exeter Family Friendly paid 92% of all claims presented in 2013.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
24th April 2014
Exeter Family Friendly pays 92% of claims in 2013

The Exeter based mutual released its annual claims statistics within an infographic designed to provide the detail behind the data. Not only does it provide a breakdown of the illnesses that resulted in claims, it also details the reasons why a small proportion of claims were declined.

Commenting on the statistics, CEO Andy Chapman said:

“Paying claims is what we’re here to do, so it’s only right we let both advisers and customers know how we perform on this front. These statistics prove that we continue to deliver against our promise; that at the moment of truth our members can trust Exeter Family to look after them.”

“Our claims infographic brings the numbers to life. It gives advisers the opportunity to open compelling conversations about income protection and offer reassurance to their customers that it is a product which really delivers.”

Behind the headline statistics, highlights from the 2013 figures include non-disclosure accounting for 30% of all declined claims, up from 2012. Injuries and accidents continue, however, to be the dominant cause of claims, accounting for almost 40% of paid claims.

Chapman continued:

“Our statistics consistently prove that despite what people may think, they’re not in control of their own health. The fact that nearly 4 in 10 claims are made as a result of an accident shows just how important it is to protect your ability to earn a living.”

“We continue to work alongside advisers to highlight how crucial it is that customers disclose full and accurate information within their application. After all, a successful, paid claim is what we’re both working towards.”

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