Source extends household panel reach in Northern Ireland

Source has announced it has competitively re-entered the Northern Ireland market for household insurance.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
3rd February 2014
Source extends household panel reach in Northern Ireland

Following heavy claims experienced in the middle of the recession coupled to the significant drop in mortgage business, many insurers reviewed their position in Northern Ireland making trading conditions very difficult. Now, as economic trading conditions improve Source will be extending its popular Sentinel range into Northern Ireland.

The Source has a significant number of intermediaries in Northern Ireland and say they were 'delighted' to be able to provide them with a positive message.

Don Allan, Business Development Manager for Scotland and Northern Ireland. commented:

"I am very excited about re-opening business opportunities in Northern Ireland, there are a large number of good brokers that are constantly looking for new products and I am very much looking forward to spreading the word."

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