PwC UK announce new partnership to tackle insurance fraud

PwC UK has partnered with Clearspeed as part of  its technology-led drive to optimise risk assessment through voice analytics.

Related topics:  New Partnership,  fraud
Tabitha Lambie | Editor, Protection Reporter
14th September 2023
"Fraud is increasingly a major concern across all parts of the economy and society, and now accounts for over 40% of all reported crimes in the UK."
- Harry Holdstock, partner at PwC UK

This partnership gives PwC UK’s clients the opportunity to enhance the experience of their customers by speeding up their claim, application or process, while more efficiently and effectively managing fraud risk across their operations.

Clearspeed’s innovative voice-based technology provides a highly accurate and unbiased assessment of risk. It’s AI-enabled platform identifies vocal characteristics in responses to simple questions that are associated with risk on a real time basis.

PwC UK has said this partnership will empower organisations dealing with high volumes of customer interactions where there may be fraud exposure to successfully process a significantly higher proportion of cases more quickly and without any further human intervention.

Commenting on this partnership, Harry Holdstock, partner at PwC UK, has said: 

“Fraud is increasingly a major concern across all parts of the economy and society, and now accounts for over 40% of all reported crimes in the UK. We were pleased to see the recent launch of the UK Government’s new Fraud Strategy. Finding and deploying new methods and approaches to stopping fraud while continuing to meet the service expectations of customers is essential.”

Alex Martin, CEO of Clearspeed, added: 

"With the rising cost of living and the digital transformation of the economy, fraud rates have increased and approaches have evolved, presenting a difficult challenge to traditional technologies for fraud detection.

“By leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and next-gen voice analytics, we will revolutionise risk assessment together, empowering businesses to stay ahead of emerging threats and safeguard their operations and their customers, building trust faster in an increasingly complex landscape."

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