It gives intermediaries the flexibility to personalise cover to their customers’ individual needs, putting them in control of what they cover and how much they pay.
Unlike standardised ‘packaged’ home insurance products that often include unnecessary extras for many households, Select & Protect’s latest product moves the home insurance market forward by allowing a greater level of personalisation. Intermediaries can guide their customers through the basics by selecting a core package of buildings or contents (or buildings and contents combined). They can then help them select from a range of options such as technology and entertainment cover, personal items, bicycle cover and garden cover to suit their differing needs, lifestyle and budget.
Distribution Director, Bruce Reid, explains:
“Consumers have gravitated towards buying standard one-size-fits-all cover usually based on price alone. They seem happy to save the equivalent of the cost of a cup of coffee from their local high street, yet often don’t realise the implication this may have on the actual cover they receive. The fact is that every home has different insurance needs and in buying standard cover based on price alone, they could unwittingly be paying more than they need. For example, why should consumers pay for garden cover when they live in an apartment with no garden? At the other end of the spectrum, some consumers could actually find that they don’t have enough cover when it comes to making a claim.”
“This new approach to home insurance allows intermediaries to completely personalise their customers’ cover choices, meaning no more paying for cover they don’t need or under-insuring possessions they cherish, and all in less time than it takes to boil the kettle.”
The new online quotation platform will save intermediaries time by returning four real-time quotes from leading insurers including RSA, Ageas and Aviva. A simplified question set means that a quote can be arranged in just two minutes.
Reid concludes: “We know that intermediaries are up against it in terms of price comparison sites, competing priorities and of course, having enough hours in the day when it comes to selling home insurance, so we’ve worked hard to make this process as simple as possible for them. We back this up with a seamless after-sale service. Our entire operation is based under one roof in the UK from administration and customer services to exemplary claims handling, which means intermediaries can be sure that their valued customers will receive excellent quality service from a trusted partner.”