Scottish Friendly protection sales jump 54%

Scottish Friendly has announced record-breaking sales in 2016, reporting a 33% rise from £25.5m in 2015 to £33.9m.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
25th January 2017
insurance & protection umbrellas
"Whilst Brexit has resulted in considerable volatility it has, of late, resulted in a strong surge in the UK stock market which has been great news for investors."

This increase was powered mainly by improved sales of protection products as well as increased demand for investment ISAs.

Protection sales jumped 54% which Scottish Friendly attributed to its business partnerships with brands such as Beagle Street, Sun Life, Smart Insurance and British Seniors Insurance Agency.

Scottish Friendly’s new chief executive, Jim Galbraith, said: “2016 has been another fantastic year for Scottish Friendly, demonstrating the progress that a well-run mutual can make. Our strong sales have largely been led by white label outsourcing to key business partners and this is likely to continue as a growth area for us.  

“The My ISA platform proposition developed in 2012 for our customers and business partners has also attracted healthy sales growth and we will add to this product suite in 2017 with our own approach to the Lifetime ISA being introduced from April.

“Whilst Brexit has resulted in considerable volatility it has, of late, resulted in a strong surge in the UK stock market which has been great news for investors.

“Nonetheless, there is considerable uncertainty ahead as we approach notification of Article 50 and the US adjusts to a new presidency. While we are cautious about the prospects for 2017, we will carry on seeking out opportunities that will benefit our members and our partners and continue offering quality products and services.”

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