"I'm delighted to take on the role and showcase my hard man looks and protection knowledge."
- Alan Lakey, Co-Founder of CIExpert
At the time, CIExpert said this lack of consumer marketing for matters of protection only serves to exacerbate the lack of awareness; “it’s hard to think of any other mass consumer products that aren’t promoted directly to their target audience.”
Therefore, CIExpert has decided to take the lead in ensuring protection hits our screens with Alan Lakey’s recent casting on a new TV show. Initially, they approached the production team to discuss the possibility of introducing the concept of Critical Illness Cover (CIC) into one of their upcoming storylines. Much to CIExpert’s surprise, the pitch was successful.
Given CIExpert’s concerns that the production may portray an adviser as the ‘dodgy character’ or write scripts that fail to reflect good protection advice, Alan was asked to act the part himself. Debbie West, Casting Director, praised Alan’s “hard man appearance,” saying he’d fit in perfectly with the Douglas boys as their financially savvy cousin.
Although the first episode isn’t set to air until September 2024, CIExpert can reveal that Alan’s character will be focused on explaining what type of conditions are covered with CIC, i.e. I’ve been threatened with having my legs broken…does it cover me for that? Of course, Alan would have explained that fracture cover is optional and Total Permanent Disability (TPD) for market trade is on an activities of daily work basis.
Commenting on his acting debut, Alan said he’s delighted to take on the role and showcase his “hard man looks and protection knowledge.”
Disclaimer: This article has been published on April Fool's Day 2024 and contains an entirely fabricated narrative intended to humour our readership!!