SimplyBiz launches 'protection awareness week'

The SimplyBiz Group is undertaking a dedicated ‘protection awareness week’ which aims to help advisers better educate clients about protection products and opportunities.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
18th June 2014
SimplyBiz launches 'protection awareness week'

The Group has worked with protection providers including; Bright Grey, Zurich, Ageas, Friends Life, PruProtect, L&G and Aviva to build the campaign which will consist of online material and training.  There will also be a series of 12 specialist protection events taking place across the UK from the 8th of July.

Makayla Everitt, Head of Business Development for SimplyBiz Mortgages, commented:

“Figures over the past few months show that the protection gap is as much of a problem now as it has ever been.  A YouGov survey earlier this year revealed that only 4% of the population have income protection, 7% have critical illness cover and just 23% have life insurance.  I’m sure that most of those in the financial services profession find those figures as frighteningly low as I do, and understand why it is so vital to try and help clients understand the importance of protection cover for them and their family. 

“We launched our Protection Academy back in March and its popularity so far has indicated that there was real appetite for an education and information resource amongst the advisers who use our services.  As you would expect from the SimplyBiz Group, we also place a firm emphasis on the importance of the regulatory requirements surrounding protection business, and our communications, online academy and face to face meetings are all built upon the foundations of solid compliance support.”

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