The Exeter pays 94% of IP claims in 2016

Income protection insurer, The Exeter, has released its income protection claims statistics for 2016. The headline statistics shows that 94% of all claims received were paid during the year.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
22nd March 2017
protection umbrella

Of the 6% of claims that were declined, 4% were for non-disclosure and 2% were due to the claimant still being able to work in their own occupation.
A visual and engaging infographic provides more information behind the headline, identifying the most common causes of claim. This year, once again the highest number of claims were made as a result of injuries and accidents - accounting for 37% of all those received.
A new addition to this year’s infographic is the addition of claims cases studies, which tells a few of the stories behind the numbers.
Commenting, Chief Executive Andy Chapman said:
“Once again we have delivered on our promise and paid 94% of all claims received. Whilst the debate about whether claims statistics should or shouldn’t be published has been reignited, there has never been any question in my mind.
“We’re committed to sharing our claims statistics every year, our only focus is on how we can make our information more engaging to highlight the crucial importance of income protection to more advisers and consumers.”
“That’s why this year we have included claims stories along with the data for the first time. Ultimately, behind every claim is a person – not a number on the way to calculating a percentage.”

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