Uinsure increases CSI to £75,000

Uinsure is increasing the Contents Sum Insured on its residential Home Insurance policy from £60,000 to £75,000.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
8th December 2016
Jason Berry Uinsure

Existing policyholders will benefit from the increase at renewal from March 2017 whilst new customers can benefit immediately from December 8th.

Additionally, cover for high risk items in the home will increase from £15,000 to £20,000.

Jason Berry, director of sales, said: “Our aim at Uinsure has always been to stay ahead of the competition and to give our brokers what they ask for. In recent years we’ve had a strong focus on customer service and technology - something which I am confident we are now market leader in - and these criteria changes, starting with the increase in CSI, not only enhance our competitive position but importantly mitigate underinsurance risk which means Uinsure are more likely to deliver outstanding customer service at point of claim.”

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