Uinsure launches 5-star rated home insurance

General insurance provider Uinsure has announced the launch of its Defaqto 5 star rated home insurance product.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
6th March 2014
Uinsure launches 5-star rated home insurance

The rating means Uinsure’s product is recognised as one of the highest quality home insurance products with the most comprehensive features on offer in the market.

The product includes £1 million buildings cover for rebuilding, £50,000 contents cover as standard, new for old cover on all replaced contents and a one year guarantee on home repairs carried out by insurer-appointed builders.

Uinsure will pay to trace the source of a leak and make good any damage caused and cover can be tailored by adding optional extras, for example accidental damage and cover away from the home.

The product is provided with no price rating increases and includes some new selectable benefits which allow more flexibility and, incredibly, sees premiums reduce to below what Uinsure has offered in the past.

Simon Taylor, Chief Executive of Uinsure, says:

“Since we started Uinsure  in 2007 we have strived to offer high quality products that give customers exactly what they need and, as a result, are easy for brokers to sell. One way of doing that has been to conduct regular surveys of our brokers in order to find out what is most important to them in terms of home insurance products.

“We have taken on board every bit of feedback we have received and I am delighted that the product we have been able to create as a result of that has now been recognised as one of the best on the market by Defaqto.”

Mike Powell, Insight Analyst for General Insurance at Defaqto says:

“When insuring their home it is essential that people match the features and benefits they require with those offered by the product they choose. If consumers focus on price alone they can run the risk of buying an inappropriate product that doesn’t meet their needs and they are only likely to discover this when they need to make a claim.

“Our Star Ratings provide an independent rating of the level of features and benefits offered by all home insurance policies on the market. They provide an at a glance view of where products sit in the market in terms of feature quality and comprehensiveness with the aim of supporting consumers’ financial decision-making process. 5 Star rated products, such as the one offered by Uinsure are among the best quality propositions on the market.”

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