The Seven Families campaign was launched in May 2014 to raise awareness of the financial impact of long term illness or disability.
Peter Le Beau,chairman of the Income Protection Task Force said:
“It is fantastic news that Aegon has pledged its support to the campaign. The project is due to launch next week and to have so much widespread support from across the industry, including consumer groups and intermediary firms is excellent.”
Dougy Grant, Protection Director at Aegon UK, said:
“We are delighted to be supporting this initiative to bring the value and importance of income protection to life by getting people to understand the benefits and peace of mind it could offer.
“Income is the foundation to all financial planning and should be the first thing advisers talk to their clients about. Auto-enrolment is helping to ensure that everyone is saving into a pension in order to replace income at retirement, which is seen as crucial, yet the same attitude is still to be adopted for replacing income prior to retirement, which is just as important. These conversations about income replacement both pre and post retirement should be embedded in all advice and play a key part in Aegon’s mission to get the UK ready for retirement."