AVIVA launches life insurance radio advertising campaign

Aviva is again highlighting the importance of family protection with a series of four radio adverts which can be heard across UK stations from Monday 30 September 2013.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
30th September 2013
AVIVA launches life insurance radio advertising campaign

Airing as part of a six-week marketing campaign, the attention-grabbing commercials build on the success of Aviva’s ‘holiday packing’ TV advert which first aired in 2011 and featured a father watching over his family from beyond the grave.

Three of the radio adverts focus on post-death scenarios, demonstrating how life insurance can provide support when families are adjusting to the loss of a loved one. Each features a different character and views a family’s loss from a different perspective to highlight how protection can help at many stages - from the point of claim, to years down the line.

The fourth commercial highlights Aviva’s free life cover for new parents offer, which provides £10,000 for each new parent up to their child’s first birthday.

As in previous Aviva campaigns, Paul Whitehouse features as the voice of the customer. In one commercial he reprises his role of 'Liam', the father figure from the 2011 TV advert. The character talks about how he was able to make sure his family were taken care of financially, because he had life insurance in place. Other adverts consider the varied challenges of making a life insurance claim, coping with a new baby and even the poignant task of cooking without the help of a lost loved one.

The adverts are part of a wider marketing campaign which incorporates social media, PR and online / digital content.

Louise Colley, protection distribution director for Aviva says:

"When we launched our TV advertising campaign in 2011 we knew from customer feedback that we needed to be brave in order to make people stop and think about their protection needs. This still holds true, so we have taken a similar approach here. We’ve also used different situations to show the long-term support protection can offer – quite literally from the cradle to the grave.

“No one likes to think about worst-case scenarios, but sadly they are a reality, so this campaign is a reminder that we need to consider 'what ifs' sooner rather than later and take action."
The radio commercials can be heard from 30 September on Heart FM, Absolute Radio, Capital FM, Bauer, Free Radio (West Midlands) and Total Real Radio UK.

To support the adverts, short films where consumers explain their experiences and understanding of life insurance will be available on aviva.co.uk/lifeinsurance. The materials will also be used to support a digital advertising campaign that utilises new media such as KindleFire, a first for UK life insurers.

In addition, consumers will be encouraged to think about protecting people who matter most to them through a social media campaign via Facebook, Twitter, blogs and through a partnership with Mumsnet.

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