B&CE joins GRiD in hope of benefitting from a ‘clearer voice’ in the group risk marketplace

Life and Accident insurance specialist, B&CE has today announced its partnership with GRiD in hope of guiding the company’s proposition development to meet the needs of its group protection customers.

Related topics:  GRiD,  group protection
Protection Reporter
18th October 2022
New Hire

Following Lutine Assurance Services which joined GRiD earlier this month, B&CE has now announced its partnership with the group risk authority body.

Similarly to Lutine, B&CE is looking forward to accessing GRiD’s resources and opportunities, including pan-industry claims data and its training academy.

READ MORE: Lutine Assurance Services joins GRiD

In addition, being a smaller provider, B&CE will benefit from the voice that GRiD has in the industry, and will gain from working together.

Commenting on the partnership, Sam Steadman, B&CE head of proposition, has said:

“This hugely respected industry body gives providers of all sizes a clearer voice in the marketplace and we very much look forward to working with it and its many members.”

Paul White, GRiD chair, added:

“Our membership includes companies of all shapes and sizes, and we’re all the stronger for it, with our resources designed to offer equitable support. We offer a very warm welcome to B&CE.”

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