GRiD: It’s crucial that employers don’t make assumptions that could be harmful to their workforce

According to new research conducted by GRiD,  two thirds of employers (64%) believe that hybrid working has had a positive impact on employee health and wellbeing, but only 53% of employees agreed.

Related topics:  GRiD,  research
Protection Reporter
7th March 2023
Working from Home
"Employers who fully support the health and wellbeing of their staff through a programme of employee benefits and other flexible policies, will be rewarded with more a more engaged and more proactive workforce. Hybrid working can play a role but it’s not the silver bullet."
- Katharine Moxham, spokesperson for GRiD

The industry body for the group risk sector also noted that 6% of employers and 7% of employees agree hybrid working isn’t a positive experience for everyone.

Although this might look like a relatively small percentage, GRiD claims that it proves that it’s crucial that employers don’t make assumptions or change their workplaces/working practices in a way that could potentially be harmful to their workforce.  

Of those surveyed (1,212) who felt hybrid working has had a positive effect, 68% felt that mental wellbeing had most improved, followed by social wellbeing (45%), financial wellbeing (44%) and physical wellbeing (43%).  

However, despite these statistics, GRiD encourages employers not to consider hybrid working as a replacement for a comprehensive programme of benefits to support health and wellbeing, such as private medical insurance or group risk benefits. GRiD notes the importance of a full suite of support when more serious problems come to light.  

Commenting on these findings, Katharine Moxham, spokesperson for GRiD, has said:  

"Employers have a slightly exaggerated view of just how much hybrid working is benefiting the health and wellbeing of their staff. It’s clearly the case that many do find it a positive experience, but employers should be careful not to assume this is a panacea for everyone.  

"It’s important to note that health and wellbeing support will still be required for everyone, and particularly for those who have found the change in working patterns more difficult to cope with."

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