Health Assured joins GRiD

Health Assured has joined the Group Risk Industry Body (GRiD) in hopes of keeping up with market trends and the latest developments in the group risk sector.

Related topics:  Membership,  GRiD
Protection Reporter
29th August 2023
"As a proud leader of the health and wellbeing benefits community, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to group risk policy making."
- Bertrand Stern-Gillet, chief executive officer at Health Assured

As members, Health Assured will have access to specialist information, including insights into the current market and exclusive research. The health and wellbeing benefits provider will also have network and training opportunities.

Commenting on its membership, Bertrand Stern-Gillet, chief executive officer at Health Assured, has said:

‘The insights provided by GRiD will undoubtedly provide additional meaning and context to the support that Health Assured provides to our valued client base. As a proud leader of the health and wellbeing benefits community, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to group risk policy making.”

Paul White, chair of GRiD, added:

“The sharing of expert knowledge and specialist information is a major part of the role and service provided by GRiD. We are delighted that Health Assured has joined us to benefit from, and add to, this valuable sharing of ideas and intelligence.”

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