LifeSearch joins with employee benefits platform

WorkLife, the digital employee benefits platform by OpenMoney, has partnered with LifeSearch’s employee benefits arm.

Related topics:  Employee Benefits
Staff reporter | Protection Reporter
3rd April 2023
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"We think every business – regardless of size – should have access to premium yet affordable benefits"

The partnership mean LifeSearch will be able to offer their corporate clients access to benefits to support their employees’ financial, mental and physical wellbeing. Additionally, existing LifeSearch customers will also be able to access their personal LifeSearch products from the platform once signed up.

Paul Chedzey, commercial director of WorkLife said:

“We think every business – regardless of size – should have access to premium yet affordable benefits to offer to their employees. We’re thrilled to have LifeSearch on board as partnering with them helps us to reach even more businesses, including many more SMEs, to ensure they’re not priced-out of offering their staff access to tools that can make a positive difference to their financial, mental and physical wellbeing.”

Alan Richardson, head of expert advice at LifeSearch said:

"It has been a frustration that too many employers lack the support in communicating to their employees the great services provided by their employment benefit programmes. By partnering with WorkLife, we want to empower our clients, who are often new to employee benefits provision, to make engagement with their health services, insurances and benefits as simple and as accessible as possible."

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