The deal will see the brokerage promote and advise on a range of mortgage protection products including household buildings & contents, landlord property insurance and ASU.
Mortgageforce’s 70 plus broker-partners offer a nationwide face to face service and placed over £500m worth of loans in the last year a figure which is projected to top £700m in 2015.
Mortgageforce Managing Director, Kevin Duffy said:
“As you can imagine we benchmarked The Source against a number of its competitors and on a balanced scorecard it performed excellently, what we liked most in it proposition was the technology that underpinned a large quality panel of leading insurers."
The Source managing Director Kevin Paterson added:
“We are extremely excited about the deal with Mortgageforce and it is testament to the journey The Source has been on in the last 20 years to become one of the premier providers of quality general insurance products for professional brokers in todays highly competitive market."