"3.8 million people in the UK are living with diabetes, with 5% to 15% of those living with type 1 diabetes."
This week I am joined again by Matt Rann and together we are talking about type 1 diabetes, how it affects the body, key statistics, the potential complications that someone can experience and some of the terms you may come across when applying for insurance.
All areas of the body can be affected by type 1 diabetes. Specific complications can occur in the heart, eyes, feet and kidneys, we discuss these and how they can often be prevented by spotting diabetes in its early stages.
3.8 million people in the UK are living with diabetes, with 5% to 15% of those living with type 1 diabetes. In addition to that, there are an estimated 500,000 people unaware that they do have diabetes, which is one of the reasons why it is important for people to know the symptoms so that it can be spotted and treated.
There are a number of specific things that underwriters will want to know when applying for protection in order to offer potential terms. This is things such as a HBA1C reading, we talk about what a HBA1C reading is as well as other key points an underwriter would like to know such as treatment and how well the diabetes is controlled.
We discuss a case study of a client in their early 40’s who is living with type 1 diabetes. This client was offered a number of options, and had life insurance and income protection arranged during the lockdown.
You can listen to the episode at https://practical-protection.co.uk/type-1-diabetes/.
I will be back in a couple of weeks with Alan Knowles. He is back with one of his masterclasses and this time the focus is going to be on critical illness cover.
If you want to know more about how to arrange protection insurance, take a look at my new Protection Insurance in Practice course here.
Don’t forget to claim your CPD certificate here once you have listened to the episode at https://practical-protection.co.uk/claim-your-cpd/.
Our certificates are now accredited by CPD UK, through our sponsor Octomembers.
Please don’t worry if your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate directly to you.