Scottish Widows is running a series of auto-enrolment seminars across the country aimed specifically at advisers who are working with employers staging in 2014.
Insurance provider Paymentshield is launching a new online facility called Premium Flex, which will enable advisers to ’flex’ their commission in order to reduce the customer’s...
New research from Sainsbury's Bank reveals that over the last three years, 7.4 million Brits voluntarily increased the excess on a car or home insurance policy when purchasing the...
The Source has announced the arrival of Landlord’s Choice to their Buy-to-Let Insurance Panel as part of an ongoing strategy to expand the range of providers in both the Landlords...
Aviva is again highlighting the importance of family protection with a series of four radio adverts which can be heard across UK stations from Monday 30 September 2013.
Source Insurance announce the arrival of LV to their Home Insurance Panel to join current providers Aviva, AXA, Groupama, Sentinel, RSA & Zurich bringing the products on panel to...