Insurance provider AXA, warns that while the buy-to-let market thrives, hundreds of thousands of landlords are leaving themselves and their tenants exposed through lack of protection...
Bright Grey has today announced changes to its critical illness cover across both business and personal menu plans, by adding three new additional conditions relating to the early...
Tenet has negotiated a special deal with its underwriters to offer chartered advisers a 50% discount on their PI excess when compared to a standard policy.
Scottish Provident today announced that it has launched a new income protection product which gives an enhanced level of cover to a broader range of clients.
As Friends Life continues its focus on gender this month, it is revealed that half of men surveyed have held life cover compared to a third of women surveyed.
In a recent survey of more than 5,000 brokers conducted by Source Insurance less than 2% of brokers who responded wanted to receive communication from their GI product provider by...
Scottish Provident announced that from Monday 16 September it will enhance its critical illness cover to include a new heart attack definition, a first for the intermediary market.
Data from Legal & General looking at how prepared UK consumers are financially has revealed that 35% of British families have no financial safety net to cope with a sudden loss of...
Bright Grey and Scottish Provident, the UK protection businesses of the Royal London Group, have announced their intention to launch enhanced income protection products by the end of...