Uinsure adds Ageas to landlord panel

GI provider Uinsure has added Ageas to its panel of landlord insurers.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
8th January 2016
jason berry uinsure

With Uinsure’s landlord insurance proposition brokers will be able to access high cover limits, receive quotes in 20 seconds get their clients cover from £10.50 per month.

Jason Berry, director of sales at Uinsure, said:

“We are committed to offering UK mortgage advisers the easiest route to 5 Star Defaqto rated home insurance. By extending insurers on our BTL panel to now include Ageas we widen our underwriting footprint and importantly our price competitiveness.

“Additionally our common policy wording applies which very simply means that each client is guaranteed to receive one of the best products in the market, whilst our panel of insurers work hard to deliver the most competitive rating. This also significantly reduces the sales and compliance process for advisers. Furthermore our free BTL/Landlords Defaqto compare tool is available to help advisers effectively overcome any point of sale objections which may arise.”

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