Scottish Provident releases gender-neutral whole of life product

Scottish Provident has announced that it is replacing its current unit linked Pegasus product with a new simpler whole of life product.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
19th October 2012
Scottish Provident releases gender-neutral whole of life product
The new product, which will be launched on 26 November, is not unitised, has no investment element and will offer life cover only.

The new Pegasus whole of life plan provides a choice of guaranteed or reviewable premiums and can be used for family or business protection.  The new plan will be on gender neutral terms.

Jennifer Gilchrist, senior product development manager at Scottish Provident, said:

“With RDR and The Gender Directive impacting on the structure of Pegasus in its current format, it was the perfect opportunity to review our offering and make sure the new version could continue to pay commission as well as comply with unisex pricing.  The new Pegasus has a valuable new degree of simplicity and also has a wider appeal as ICOB-registered advisers can recommend it.”
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