"Everyone at Secondsight shares the same collegiate, creative culture."
- Anne Drugnick, Head of Health & Protection at Secondsight
Prior to Secondsight, Anne Drugnick worked as Principal Health & Protection at Punter Southall Aspire. She’s also worked as Principal Health & Protection at Punter Southall Health & Protection, Senior Consultant at Punter Southall Group, and Senior Consultant at BGJ & Co.
Anne’s experience in leading and shaping innovation for customers across the corporate spectrum has been deemed invaluable as demand for customised solutions increases year-on-year. “Everyone at Secondsight shares the same collegiate, creative culture. We believe that’s vital to originating cost-effective solutions to ever-more complex needs for our corporate client base,” she said.
This latest appointment follows Secondsight’s successful acquisition and integration of Punter Southall’s employee benefits advisory business.
“The scale of our combined health & protection business means we’re now a significant presence in this market. Anne’s knowledge is second-to-none and she’s the ideal leader to ensure we continue to delight our customers with propositions that recognise their increasingly individual needs,” added David Taylor, Managing Director at Secondsight.