Tenet voices support for protection trade body

Tenet has voiced its support for the creation of a dedicated protection trade body, citing a number of reasons.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
26th April 2013
Tenet voices support for protection trade body
For example, the recent shift to diversification within adviser business models to include more protection business and the increasing importance of protection for consumers within the current economy.

Since the economic downturn, the group has actively supported adviser firms to diversify their business models, meaning that protection is an area that increasing numbers of intermediaries are actively involved in.

The current economic situation also heightens the requirement for consumers to protect themselves and their families against situations such as loss of income and with the oft-quoted life assurance gap currently estimated at £2.4 trillion by insurer Swiss Re, Tenet believes that the protection industry needs all the representation and support it can get.

TenetLime managing director, Gemma Harle, comments:

“Trade bodies do so much good work for the industries they support; a lot of it behind the scenes to stop unfavourable issues or regulation from ever seeing the light of day.

“In the context of increasing European regulation, it is vitally important that the protection industry also has a united voice to protect its best interests. Under the theory of TCF, few intermediaries should not have protection within their business mix and so this has relevance for advisers and their clients across the board.

“Because of this, I think that a protection trade body would sit comfortably in partnership with either AMI or APFA, rather than as a stand-alone entity, which would have more significant challenges in terms of funding and critical mass.”
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