ABI and ITN Business to produce news-style programme ‘Securing Futures’

Highlighting the important work the UK insurance and long-term-savings sector is doing to protect consumers, create career opportunities, and reach Net Zero by 2050, ‘Securing Futures’ will launch on the 21st February 2023 at the ABI Annual Conference.

Related topics:  insurance,  TV
Tabitha Lambie | Editorial assistant, Barcadia Media
13th September 2022
TV presenter

Anchored by an ITN Business presenter from the ITN London Studios, ‘Securing Futures’ will showcase best practices from industry leaders, comment on the latest trends and help consumers and businesses alike navigate the world of insurance and long-term savings.

The news-style programme will combine expert interviews, news reports, and editorial profiles from leading organisations and will premiere at the ABI Annual Conference.

‘Securing Futures’ supports the ABI’s ongoing advocacy and campaign work aimed at highlighting the role of the sector in supporting customers and society.

Commenting on the announcement, Stef Kenyon, ABI head of campaigns and marketing, has said: 

“The UK has a world-leading insurance and long-term savings sector and we’re delighted to partner with ITN Business to demonstrate how our industry can support customers and businesses at such a timely moment.”

Nina Harrison-Bell, Head of ITN Business added: 

“It’s an important time to be partnered with ABI, helping consumers navigate the world of insurance and long-term savings. With the cost of living and climate crises and changes within the government, it is essential that individuals and companies are aware of the ways that the industry can support them.

“We are thrilled to voice the great work that ABI is doing, that touches everyone in our society.”

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