Direct Life joins Protection Distributors Group

Direct Life and Pension Services Limited is the latest adviser firm to join the Protection Distributor’s Group (PDG).

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
18th January 2019
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Since forming in 2016, the Group has been influential in the introduction of industry initiatives such as, the Funeral Payment Pledge and more recently the PDG Claims Charter.

Current members of the Group include: Assured Futures, Cavendish Ware, Cura, Drewberry, Future Proof, Highclere, LifeSearch, LightBlue, London & Country, Sesame Bankhall Group and Roxburgh.

Alan Knowles, Chair of the PDG said:

“We're delighted to have Direct Life and Pensions join the PDG. Their knowledge and experience in the protection market will be a valuable contribution to the Group’s membership. The PDG is continuing to grow and take on members that will truly contribute to our collective goal: To better the insurance industry and improve customer outcomes.”

Neil McCarthy, Commercial Director at Direct Life and Pension Services Limited, said:

“The PDG has a great existing membership, looking to make positive changes to the Protection market. To be involved from a distribution perspective looking at some of the key issues that impact on the customer at purchase and at the point of claim, the sales process and the different ways of distributing protection, can only help all of us understand the market and opportunities better.

“Direct Life has been operating with advisers, aggregators and on-line distributors for over 15 years in the Protection market and has a wealth of experience to bring to the PDG.”

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