Engage Mutual links up with First Complete

Engage Mutual has been approved as the only over 50s guaranteed life cover provider to join the protection panel of leading mortgage and protection intermediary network, First Complete.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
19th November 2012
Engage Mutual links up with First Complete
First Complete will have access to the Yorkshire mutual's popular Guaranteed 50 Plus Life Cover from November 2012.

Guaranteed 50 Plus Life Cover enjoyed significant enhancements earlier in the year, and these product improvements, which add real value for customers, led to First Complete actively seeking out Engage Mutual for its protection panel.

Jon Round, chief executive of First Complete says:

"Engage Mutual covers a real need in the market as many over 50s find it harder to get life cover.  Engage Mutual's appointment to our panel of life assurers will ensure that our advisers can provide valuable protection benefits to this ever-increasing group of the market.

"Protection is a priority for First Complete, with the growing protection gap and an aging population, our advisers are highly trained to help ensure that should anything befall their clients that finance is one thing that they don't have to worry about."

Karl Elliott, marketing director at Engage Mutual, added:

 "First Complete is one of the leading mortgage and protection networks, winning Best Mortgage Network in 2012, and this agreement is a significant step forward for Engage Mutual.

"We have worked closely with intermediaries over a number of years to ensure our product can assist advisers in solving their clients' protection needs and meet a growing demand for protection products amongst older clients."
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