Power ahead with your property clients

With the Council of Mortgage Lenders reporting the number of Buy to Let loans advanced up 16% in Q3 2011, this provides advisors with a great opportunity to arrange the clients pro

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Millie Dyson | Editor, Financial Reporter
14th November 2011
Power ahead with your property clients
Quarter 3 2011 saw 34,500 buy to let loans advanced, the highest quarterly number since 2008. Yet how many advisors/brokers arranged the buildings insurance cover on these properties?

Mark Hutchings, Sales and Marketing Director, of insurance specialist Berkeley Alexander commented:

"This quarterly number alone could equate to nearly £17m of insurance premium and around £2.5m of commission available to advisors but how many are looking to arrange the cover.

"There are plenty of providers within the mortgage broker/IFA market offering access to landlords/property owners insurance for both residential and commercial properties. The opportunity is there for advisors to also arrange the insurance cover."

To provide brokers with access to a wide range of insurance providers, Berkeley Alexander is providing brokers with access to its BA Power system which will quote from a wide range of landlords insurance products from insurers such as  LV, Ageas, Zurich, NIG, RSA and more, allowing mortgage brokers & IFA’s to compete on a level playing field for the first time with high street insurance intermediaries.

Carole Langton of Keith Williams Financial said:

"With access to the new BA Power system I am now able to provide my client with a range of quotes for both single and block cover on their buy to let properties, negating the need to check various markets, whether it is a residential house, or a commercial property such as a block of flats or office block. It’s a great addition to the services that Berkeley Alexander provide."
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