Insurance brokerage donates to Movember with every sale

Fresh from three nominations for the Sesame Adviser Awards, Arc Protect are moving once again to break the mould.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
7th November 2012
Insurance brokerage donates to Movember with every sale
One of the largest protection insurance brokers in County Durham have agreed to donate one month’s premium for every policy taken out by clients, new and old, in the month of November to help fund the ongoing fight against prostate cancer.

The ‘Movember’ movement, which began in 2004, managed £21,600 in its first year, has grown year on year, and raised a staggering £79.3m in 2011.

The idea for Arc’s involvement came from adviser Damian Clithero who will be growing his moustache throughout the month of November in support of the cause.

The firm urges clients who are looking at the possibility of taking out protection such as Life Insurance, Critical Illness and Income Protection to act now to ensure as many donations as possible can be made to continue the constant requirement for funds within men’s health.

Managing Director, Andrew Chambers, commented:

"Unfortunately, due to the types of insurance we mainly deal with, we often have clients who suffer from these illnesses and although we do our best to help with all claims at a difficult time, we would much rather these cases were reduced as much as possible. Damian’s idea is a fantastic one and hopefully we can do our little bit to help an extremely good cause!"

To find out more, visit Arc Protect's website.
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