Insurance referral service to place quotes for brokers during Covid-19

CETA has launched a new referral service to help brokers and IFAs who have closed offices or paused business due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
31st March 2020
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"We just wanted to do what we could to try and support smaller operations to protect their revenue where possible by providing an extra pair of hands."

CETA has opened up a section of its call centre to offer a specialist home insurance referral service, placing quotes and referrals on behalf of brokers and IFAs.

There will be no change to commission earnings for brokers and IFAs using the service.

CETA also advised brokers to check that household policies provide cover for changes in working arrangements arising from coronavirus – for example where valuable stock may be brought home to store as business premises close.

John Bibby, CEO of CETA, said: “It’s great under such difficult circumstances to see how everyone’s pulling together across the industry, and we just wanted to do what we could to try and support smaller operations to protect their revenue where possible by providing an extra pair of hands.

“We’ve been able to ensure robust business continuity for CETA because of the strength and flexibility of our new Infinity platform, and we can now share the benefits that that brings.”

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