"MillerLabs and products like MillerMo are changing the way we work, the services that we offer and the speed of delivery to clients."
- Dana Cuffe, Chief Operations Officer at Miller
Developed by MillerLabs, this tool is the first in a planned series of innovations focused on using AI to benefit Miller’s employees and their clients. MillerMo will allow employees to automate administrative tasks, allowing them to re-focus on the core elements of their role.
MillerMo utilises Azure’s OpenAI GPT4-32k model producing a secure, internal-only tool that can be accessed via office and mobile devices.
Commenting on the launch, Andre Du Preez, Head of Miller’s Innovation Team and curator of MillerLabs, has said:
“This is just the beginning of our journey with AI at Miller. MillerMo was developed in response to the desire for employees to access the benefits of ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies in a safe and compliant way.
“We are committed to fostering an agile innovation culture and we have created a dynamic environment of empowerment and collaboration, where every team member is encouraged to experiment with fresh ideas and approaches.”
Dana Cuffe, Chief Operations Officer at Miller, added:
“Miller is committed to innovation and developing leading AI tools that can be used in the specialist broking space. There is great potential in the insurance industry to use AI to enhance the experience of both clients and employees whilst maintaining the highest standards of service, security, and integrity.”