Practical Protection Podcast: Covid insights

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the new line up last week? You’ll be hearing from Roy McLoughlin again over the coming Season. Please contact me if there is anything you’d like us to cover in future episodes.

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Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
22nd January 2021
Kathryn Knowles Cura
"We focus on why Covid presents such a high risk, what the new mutations could mean for the protection insurance industry, and we explore the potential side effects of long Covid "

This week Helen Croft, head of underwriting strategy at AIG, joined me to discuss the virus that has dominated the past year. This is a great opportunity to hear an in-depth view of Covid from an underwriter’s perspective. We focus on why Covid presents such a high risk, what the new mutations could mean for the protection insurance industry, and we explore the potential side effects of long Covid and how that may impact the process. Feeling positive now the vaccination programme is underway, we look towards the year ahead and express our hopes for some normality by Easter, fingers crossed!

Listen to the episode here:

In the next episode, new regular co-host Matt Rann will be with me and we will be focusing on mental health and underwriting.

Once you have listened to the episode don’t forget to claim your CPD certificate at

You may find that your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Please don’t worry if that is the case. Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate directly to you.

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