"Protection has previously been the first building blocks of a financial plan, but is not always seen to be as interesting or ‘sexy’ as other parts of wealth management."
Roy has his first solo hosting in our latest episode, interviewing Lee Robertson from Octo Members. Roy and Lee have an extensive discussion about a number of things such as protection insurance, wealth management and signposting.
Lee has built the first app-based private community allowing advisers from many areas within financial services to share their knowledge with each other. This focuses on bringing together experts who can discuss best practices, share practical tips for action and generate respectful debate.
Protection has previously been the first building blocks of a financial plan, but is not always seen to be as interesting or ‘sexy’ as other parts of wealth management.
Financial planners and wealth managers may not always feel comfortable or willing to find protection insurance for a client, which is why Roy and Lee chat about signposting and how this has been done for many years and can have incredible results. This is a great way of working collaboratively with others to get the best outcome for the client.
Roy and Lee discuss how far the industry has come with more and more women gradually working in protection, but chat about there still needing to be more women with the platform to get their opinions out to others.
Listen to the episode at https://practical-protection.co.uk/dont-forget-protection/.
Matt Rann and I will be talking about cancer on our next episode, especially bowel cancer. We will be talking about a number of important things such as early warning signs, potential treatments and what this can mean if you are trying to support someone to get protection insurance.
Once you have listened to the episode don’t forget to claim your CPD certificate at https://practical-protection.co.uk/claim-your-cpd/.
You may find that your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Please don’t worry if that is the case. Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate directly to you.