"The idea behind this is to give other advisers information about what to expect when you are faced with a medical condition and are looking at protection insurance."
Earlier this year I began the Practical Protection podcast. The idea behind this is to give other advisers information about what to expect when you are faced with a medical condition and are looking at protection insurance.
You can find the podcast at https://practical-protection.co.uk/. It’s also on all major podcasting platforms.
The podcast has so far covered epilepsy, mental health, multiple sclerosis, strokes and more. In the episodes I often have a guest and we will talk about good things, and sometimes not so good things, happening in our industry. Each episode includes a general chat, I will then often talk about the type of questions that you need to ask clients so that you can get a clear indication from an insurer over possible terms.
Most importantly, in most episodes I include a couple of case study clients where we have been able to arrange protection insurance. Many of our clients have previously been declined by insurers, or told that they are uninsurable by other brokers. I’m hoping that by doing these podcasts I can show to a lot of people that this often isn’t the case.
At 8am on Thursday 23 July, the latest episode of the podcast is launching and it’s all about cancer and insurance. I am speaking with Leo Miles from Macmillan Cancer Support about what it is like to apply for insurance, for people that have had cancer. Leo used to be a mortgage adviser, she then worked at the FSA and is now with Macmillan. She has a really good view from a lot of different angles on this.
Here are the 3 key takeaways:
1. Access to insurance for people with a history of cancer has changed due to coronavirus.
2. It is essential that everyone within the insurance sector adheres to the Equality Act, when considering how they offer products and services to people that have had cancer.
3. Two case studies showing potential terms for life insurance and income protection, for people that have had cancer.
When I spoke to Leo something she said really struck with me - that people that have had cancer brace themselves before trying to engage with things like insurance. I felt incredibly sad hearing that and it’s really spurred me on to continue advocating for better access to insurance and signposting.
I have just managed to integrate CPD into the website, which is really easy to get by simply adding your name, email and selecting the episode that you have listened to at https://practical-protection.co.uk/claim-your-cpd/.
If you listen to these and still want to know more, I’m all over social media. I’ll be honest there is insurance talk, but you will also get a lot of ramblings about homeschooling and zumba too.
On the 6th August I am sitting on a Think Tank with British Friendly and iPipeline about how to have difficult conversations in protection insurance. I’ll be chatting over how to alter your tone and language when you hear about a medical disclosure, especially mental health. I’ll also be running through a bit of a factfind if time allows.
You can register for the Think Tank here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2652274242191202576?source=Cura.
I hope that you find the podcasts useful, please contact me to share your thoughts and let me know what you would like me to cover in the future.