"In this first episode we talk about how we think it's the perfect time to really drive home the importance of income protection to your clients."
He’ll be a regular host on the podcast and we’ll be bringing you the latest developments in protection insurance and more. Roy will be sharing his knowledge of investments, pensions, protection and many other areas - a great addition to The PPP community.
In this first episode we talk about how we think it's the perfect time to really drive home the importance of income protection to your clients. The past year has really widened people’s understanding of this terminology and it has certainly demonstrated the need for it to be in place. We talk about getting positive stories out into the public domain and the potential of engaging with journalists.
We also discuss the value of signposting clients to specialists if you are unable to meet your clients needs, to build a trusted network of expertise, not only for the benefit of your client, but also to make sure that you are truly treating customers fairly and meeting compliance and regulatory requirements.
You can listen to the episode here: https://practical-protection.co.uk/new-directions/.
In the coming weeks I will be inviting another regular co-host to The PPP, Matt Rann, an underwriter who has worked within the insurer, reinsurer and IFA industry for the last 42 years. We will be delving into different risk scenarios and discussing the potential underwriting outcomes for protection insurance, and looking into why these decisions are made, possibly some healthy debates too! If you have any suggestions for us to focus upon they would be very welcome, please do get in touch. We want the podcast to be as useful to your work as possible.
Next week, I will be speaking with Helen Croft from AIG about coronavirus and the year ahead.
Once you have listened to the episode don’t forget to claim your CPD certificate at https://practical-protection.co.uk/claim-your-cpd/.
You may find that your work systems are not keen on the CPD form (it’s a Google form). Please don’t worry if that is the case. Contact me on social media or through the website and I will be able to issue the certificate directly to you.